Sunday, May 13, 2007

Way to go Jared!

On Saturday Jared graduated from TCU!! I am so proud of him. It was not easy for him to work full-time, go to school full time for 4 years and parent 4 kids as well. He sacrificed so much to finish school. The first 2 years of college he was on the Dean's list and had a Dean's scholarship! Isn't that amazing? I wish I had as much perseverance as he does! His degree is a Bachelor in Business Administration. I gave him a small party afterwards, I wish I had more pictures of that but I was busy being the hostess! It turned out really well and we had a good time. Be praying for him as he interviews with some companies and is looking for a new job!



Anonymous said...

YEAH Jared!!! What an amazing accomplishment and a true testiment to his strength and character. I am sure that these strengths will be recognized and sought after by the employers he is interviewing with. Congrats to all of you for making it through the past four years!

Anonymous said...

I am so proud of Jared, too. :) I hope I grow up to be just like him.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to your husband...yea!!! That's awesome--I can't begin to imagine how tough the past four years have been...but you've made it!

I also want to say that I happened to be in Target Monday and I remembered you said that they do their mark-downs that day, so I checked, and I got an adorable little baby girl dress(easter quality) for a shower gift and paid $4.98 for it! That totally made my day(and that was after I paid $8 for an adorable little baby sweater at Gymboree for another shower gift)!


Anonymous said...

Jared - you rock. The Ford Family is proud of you.

Anonymous said...

I know it's been challenge for Jenn as well and we're so proud of both of you!!! :)