Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day!

Just wanted to wish each and every one of you a Happy Mother's Day! I hope your husband's and children's make the day extra special for you. My Husband got me a pink TCU shirt that I really wanted, I love it AND the best gift (the one that I asked for) was to sleep in!! YEAH!! I did have to wake up to feed the baby but went right back to sleep, I was so tired! We also went to ride the miniature train and to Macaroni Grill to eat! It was a fun day! On mother's day I stop to think about my role as a mother, I can't imagine my life without any of my sweet children. I love this job so much, it has the greatest reward's. What did you all do for Mother's day?


Anonymous said...

Your Mother's Day sounds great! I had a good one too - thanks for the warm wishes. I too was thinking about what a priviledge it is to be a Mother to my wonderful children.

Anonymous said...

Lacey - what is "priviledge"?

I spent my Mothers Day packing and hanging out with the kids - and then I spent Mothers Day evening crying in my pillow because my baby wasn't in bed with me - she was at Granney's... :(

Anonymous said...

Amy - Well, if you had ever taken a Latin class, you would know that "Privledge" comes from the Latin root word 'Ledgente', which basically means "honor." All the Yale Scholars use this word in their lectures. Glad I could give you your Latin lesson of the day! Just give up. You will NEVER catch me on a typo.