Wednesday, November 26, 2008


I am thankful for my 4 sweet little miracles who are all gifts from God. I am thankful for my husband, he is so precious and I can't imagine my life without him. I am thankful for my family, each individual one means so much to me, I could never express to them how much. I am thankful that through Jared's career changes, we can now see that God's hand was on us and he was watching out for us and know that he still is. I am thankful for hardships, that it has made me stronger, given me more patience,endurance,and compassion for others. I am thankful for my home. I am thankful for my friends, for the new ones that I don't know how I had gone so long without and for the old ones who are faithful friends! I am thankful for health in our family. I am thankful for God's unconditional love. I am thankful for his grace and mercy are new every day. Happy Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

My bargain blog

I am starting a blog about the great finds I get, sales, deals and all that fun stuff! I know I don't keep up with this blog that much but I think I will do more here and alot over there! So you have to check it out when you get a chance!, Vanessa is making me a header and I am trying to figure out what to "name" my blog, so if you have any idea's let me know!

Saturday, November 1, 2008


For Halloween we went to our friend's house, The Barrett's and had alot of fun! Gracie was Hannah Montanna, Kylie was a High School Musical Cheerleader, Joey was Batman, and Jack was a bat. (In case they weren't obvious!)