We had a nice 4 day weekend. It started out with our mini-vacation visiting our good friend's The Damiano's in San Antonio. Jared met my friend Angela in the military and we ended up getting married the exact same day, had our first babies at the same time, then our next babies 6 months apart, and then our last two the same month and year! We bought our first house the same month, and the list goes on...It was so fun to see the kids play together and get to hang out with them. While we were there we got to go to our favorite Mexican food restaurant La Fogata and also Rudy's barbecue. We almost went to Fiesta Texas but changed our minds at the last minute. We should have taken way more pictures, but managed to snap a few on our way out. We left there Sunday morning and went from there to Wimberly to visit Jared's grandma for her 80th Birthday. The whole family was there and they had her a little party. It was nice to see her and some of the family we don't get to see very often. We drove home from that Sunday night, and then Monday we went to Jared's parents house for there annual Memorial Day Fish fry and swam in there new pool. So much fun and we were wiped out after that weekend! I think we have finally recovered!
The Bellamy Family, almost everyone was there

Jared's Grandma, Aunt, 2 uncles and his dad

This is the view from Jared's grandmas porch, it's beautiful!

Joey and Joshua are 6 months apart-Joey is older, they had so much fun together and are best buds!

Jack and Jonah are 3 weeks apart, but since Jonah has 2 older brother's he seems so much older and is so much more active than Jack. Jonah loved Jack and Jack is still not sure if he is ready for "friendship" : )

Josiah and the girls, Josiah was there first friend! They have been friends since they were in our tummies! : )
That's too cute!!
man too bad that big family pic turned out blurry - it was pretty good (except Alyssa was being a brat ...)
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