We will be staying home tonight but plan on cooking a nice meal, Fried mozzarella for appetizer, Stuffed Shrimp and Crab Ravioli, Cesar salad and garlic bread. We normally stay home 0n New Year's Eve but try to make the night fun and special. Tonight we will probably compete on the Wii sports all night! Happy New Year to all of you! Have fun and be safe tonight!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Moving Foward
I heard a great sermon this past Sunday at our church called Moving foward. You can listen to it at gatewaypeople.com. I wanted to share some highlights with you.
To move foward you have to deal with your past! The longer we delay in dealing with these things, the longer it will take us to move foward with God. Take the regrets and mistakes you have made and use them for God's glory. You can redeem that mistake you made, you can make a ministry of those mistakes! Lay it down and when the devil comes back to taunt you with it, tell him to go take it up with God because that is what you have done!
To move foward you have to deal with unforgiveness and bitterness. Do an inventory of your thoughts and check to see if you are carrying unforgiveness and bitterness. Lay it down, your not going anywhere with Jesus until you do.
To move foward you have to confess secret sin. Sin we justify, sin noone knows about that we enjoy, maybe some small dishonesty, maybe it's unforgiveness. Be honest with God, tell him you are struggling with it, and when you are honest and sincere about it, the Holy Spirit will wean you off of that sin.
To move foward you have to stop your negative views of God. Maybe you have been burnt by another church or pastor. We need to seperate what people did and what God did.
To move foward you have to end dangerous realtionships. (not talking about marraige here) There are some dangerous people out there. The devil uses dangerous relationships to keep us from God. A dangerous relationship is one that does not help you get closer to God. Don't dump lost friends, witness to them, but then remove yourself from a close friendship with them. "Bad company corrupts good morals"
To move foward you have to reconcile broken relationships. "As far as its possible with you, live at peace with other's"
The things that will impact us the most this coming year are the things we have no idea are coming. This is why we have to become a people so broad and deep spirtiually, that by the grace of God we can handle whatever comes our way!!
Isn't that awesome! I pray that we all have an amazing 2009, that our best days are in front of us, and we experience God's blessings and favor in 2009. Happy New Year!
Posted by
12:02 PM
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Monday, December 1, 2008
Do you love my christmas blog header?
If so click here to get one! They are only 5.00!
Posted by
10:45 PM
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
I am thankful for my 4 sweet little miracles who are all gifts from God. I am thankful for my husband, he is so precious and I can't imagine my life without him. I am thankful for my family, each individual one means so much to me, I could never express to them how much. I am thankful that through Jared's career changes, we can now see that God's hand was on us and he was watching out for us and know that he still is. I am thankful for hardships, that it has made me stronger, given me more patience,endurance,and compassion for others. I am thankful for my home. I am thankful for my friends, for the new ones that I don't know how I had gone so long without and for the old ones who are faithful friends! I am thankful for health in our family. I am thankful for God's unconditional love. I am thankful for his grace and mercy are new every day. Happy Thanksgiving!
Posted by
6:33 PM
Sunday, November 23, 2008
My bargain blog
I am starting a blog about the great finds I get, sales, deals and all that fun stuff! I know I don't keep up with this blog that much but I think I will do more here and alot over there! So you have to check it out when you get a chance!www.mybargainblog.blogspot.com, Vanessa is making me a header and I am trying to figure out what to "name" my blog, so if you have any idea's let me know!
Posted by
7:39 PM
Saturday, November 1, 2008
For Halloween we went to our friend's house, The Barrett's and had alot of fun! Gracie was Hannah Montanna, Kylie was a High School Musical Cheerleader, Joey was Batman, and Jack was a bat. (In case they weren't obvious!)
Posted by
4:30 PM
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
It's been awhile...
It's been awhile since I blogged! I have been busy and trying to adjust to be a working momma! I am working for my mom at Southlake Florist 3 days a week. She has gotten really busy and needed extra help and I have always loved her business and flowers, so it fell into place for me to work for her. I get to bring the boy's and they just ride along while I deliver or play while I do paperwork, take call's, etc...I am really liking it but it's an adjustment from not being home all the time. We are all doing great. Jared is doing good at Baker Hughes and has just started making commissions on top of his salary so that was an awesome, unexpected blessing. We both feel like this is where he is supposed to be for now and it is a great job, and we are excited to see what happens in the future, career wise, for Jared. I told you about me working, I am plenty busy with that and am also very involved at the girls school so that keeps me busy as well. The girls are both loving the 2nd grade and loving their teacher. They are getting straight A's and have all E's in conduct. I am so proud of them. Joey is as funny as ever and is really into race car's right now. His train obsession seems to be over for the moment and is now all about fast race cars. Jack has FINALLY started walking. He will be 21 months next week, so it took him awhile but he is a little toddler know and it's too cute! Everyone is trying to decide what to be for Halloween. We change our mind's very frequently around here so we tend to wait until the last minute to get costumes but I think we are going to find some this weekend. I will post picture's soon.
Posted by
4:36 PM
Monday, September 8, 2008
Normally in the car we listen to 106.1 which is pop music, and my girls love to sing, they learn songs really quickly. I realized a couple of weeks ago and was convicted of the fact that there are some VERY inappropriate songs on the radio that they do not need to be listening to. (nor do I) How about this one, "I kissed a girl and I liked it" Um yeah, you definitely don't want your 7 year old daughter singing that song! So I have turned off the radio and put in a Gateway worship CD. It is so peaceful and I love it! The weights of this world bog me down so easily and when I listen to it, I feel lighter, refreshed, renewed, and encouraged! So the other day, we were listening to it on the way to school and I took the girls in and got back in the car and it was back on! I heard Joey in the backseat singing the words with the song, he was singing "Worthy, Worthy, you are Worthy, worthy to be praise" It was the sweetest, most precious sound I have ever heard, to hear that little 4 year old voice singing praise to God. I was immediately reminded that is how our Heavenly Father feels when we sing praise to him. He loves it so much. I want to encourage all of you to put in some worship music in the car and see what a difference it makes in your life!
Posted by
7:43 AM
Friday, August 29, 2008
10 years and still going strong!
Today is our anniversary! I can't believe it's already been 10 years. I am so thankful for a wonderful husband, and for the best 10 years of my life, with many more ahead!
Posted by
8:20 AM
Monday, August 4, 2008
Joey's 4th Birthday party
Joey turned 4 a couple of weeks ago and wanted to have his party at the train station again this year! We had lots of fun and all went to eat afterwards!
Posted by
8:33 AM
Monday, July 21, 2008
The Birthday Boy
Today is his birthday, he is the big 4!! I will post pictures of his birthday party in the next couple of days.
Posted by
9:23 PM
Little Stinker
My little stinker is STILL not walking. He will be 18 months on the 30th and is so stubborn. I know he is capable, as you see in these pictures he will walk behind something. He has one of those push toy/walker's and we call him an old man because he crawls to go get it when he wants to get across the room to get something. He will even stand up in the middle of the room and just stand there but will not take a step. I am ready for him to walk!! He is our baby, THE baby, so some may say this is why he is still not walking, because we baby him so much. I will admit this is probably true, but he is my last one, and I don't think I am too out of control about it. Hopefully I will be back sometime soon with news of his first steps.
Posted by
3:44 PM
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Monday, May 26, 2008
Memorial Day Party
On Sunday we went to a party at my friend Chasitie's house, we had so much fun, the kid's had a blast. Check out my pic's! : )
Posted by
7:03 AM
Friday, May 23, 2008
Blog Header
Isn't it so cute! I love it!!! My friend Vanessa designed it for me, she is so talented and you have to go check her website out Butterflysparks.com! She is having a special right now on her blog headers, but hurry because her sale ends soon!
Posted by
9:37 PM
Friday, May 2, 2008
Expecting great things and giving GOD the glory!
Well we have made it through April, it's been almost 2 months since Jared quit working for Edward Jones. Jared got an amazing job offer and we are now waiting for the final stamp of approval from corporate which could take another few weeks. More details to come about that...I was so worried about how we would make it through this difficult time, but God is so FAITHFUL and GOOD! We have turned to him, and really just said God, we don't know how we will make it financially, how we will be able to have patience and peace during this period, but we ask you for peace, we ask that you meet our needs and God has given us those things. We have made 2-3 times the amount we ever made in one month at Edward Jones in the month of April. We have had peace and patience and enjoyed the time we have gotten to spend together. It has been an adventure waiting to see what small side job will fall in our lap, what random check God will drop in the mail, by the way there have been quite a few...Lockheed sent us a vacation payout check from a YEAR ago, Cook's children's sent me a check from 3 YEARS ago when Joey had surgery there and apparently I overpaid, our mortgage company sent us a check for a surplus in our escrow account. Every time I got one in the mail, I knew it was God's way of saying I am taking care of you. We have had to completely trust God which has been hard, I like to know what's coming, I like to know the next 3 steps, and I haven't been able to know or see that, so it has been different for me but I believe God has used this time to grow me in the area of trusting him. That's whats going on with us, we are ready for summer, we are ready for Jared to start his new job, we are expecting great things and we do give God 100 percent of the glory, it's all because of him.
Posted by
7:59 AM
Sunday, April 20, 2008
A day out with Thomas
Jared recently took Joey to A day out with Thomas at the Grapevine Vintage Railroads. Joey is OBSESSED with Thomas the Trains, so we new this was going to be HUGE for him to get to go to! He has almost all of the trains and pulls them all out several times a day and goes round and round on the coffee table with them. He knows all of their names, and even knows the names of the ones he doesn't have. When he wants to guilt me into getting him a new train, he will say "Mom, we gotta go to walmart, the trains are sad" and I say" why are the sad Joey" and he just says " They are sad, we gotta get them" It's pitiful and it usually works! : ) Here are some of the pictures from Joey's best day ever!!
Posted by
7:50 AM