I heard a great sermon this past Sunday at our church called Moving foward. You can listen to it at gatewaypeople.com. I wanted to share some highlights with you.
To move foward you have to deal with your past! The longer we delay in dealing with these things, the longer it will take us to move foward with God. Take the regrets and mistakes you have made and use them for God's glory. You can redeem that mistake you made, you can make a ministry of those mistakes! Lay it down and when the devil comes back to taunt you with it, tell him to go take it up with God because that is what you have done!
To move foward you have to deal with unforgiveness and bitterness. Do an inventory of your thoughts and check to see if you are carrying unforgiveness and bitterness. Lay it down, your not going anywhere with Jesus until you do.
To move foward you have to confess secret sin. Sin we justify, sin noone knows about that we enjoy, maybe some small dishonesty, maybe it's unforgiveness. Be honest with God, tell him you are struggling with it, and when you are honest and sincere about it, the Holy Spirit will wean you off of that sin.
To move foward you have to stop your negative views of God. Maybe you have been burnt by another church or pastor. We need to seperate what people did and what God did.
To move foward you have to end dangerous realtionships. (not talking about marraige here) There are some dangerous people out there. The devil uses dangerous relationships to keep us from God. A dangerous relationship is one that does not help you get closer to God. Don't dump lost friends, witness to them, but then remove yourself from a close friendship with them. "Bad company corrupts good morals"
To move foward you have to reconcile broken relationships. "As far as its possible with you, live at peace with other's"
The things that will impact us the most this coming year are the things we have no idea are coming. This is why we have to become a people so broad and deep spirtiually, that by the grace of God we can handle whatever comes our way!!
Isn't that awesome! I pray that we all have an amazing 2009, that our best days are in front of us, and we experience God's blessings and favor in 2009. Happy New Year!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Moving Foward
Posted by
12:02 PM
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SO good and true!
Ooooh, so good! Need to go watch that one, in fast foreward! Snort snort- nerd laugh
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