Tuesday, August 28, 2007

1st day of school

The girls went back to school yesterday! They were excited and ready to go back, I was not!!! I enjoyed sleeping in and I also love having them home, I really miss them when they are gone all day! I am that mom that stands at the door and doesn't want to walk away, and when I do, I cry...at least at first, then I get used to it! They are so little still...my baby girls! Anyway, they like their teacher alot and know 2 kids in their class from last year! They got picked to be in the gifted and talented class, so we are very proud of them. They got to be in the same class again this year, which I think is awesome! It's just easier for me and they want to be together, they aren't competitive or anything, so I am all for it! As you can see in the pictures, Joey wanted to bring his lunch box and thought he was going to school too!


Anonymous said...

oh my...that first pic is too cute!!

Anonymous said...

Your kids are so sweet. And I can't help but think the same thing everytime I see them, "Your mom loves you so much." It is so evident. Good work, Jennifer!