The girls went back to school yesterday! They were excited and ready to go back, I was not!!! I enjoyed sleeping in and I also love having them home, I really miss them when they are gone all day! I am that mom that stands at the door and doesn't want to walk away, and when I do, I least at first, then I get used to it! They are so little baby girls! Anyway, they like their teacher alot and know 2 kids in their class from last year! They got picked to be in the gifted and talented class, so we are very proud of them. They got to be in the same class again this year, which I think is awesome! It's just easier for me and they want to be together, they aren't competitive or anything, so I am all for it! As you can see in the pictures, Joey wanted to bring his lunch box and thought he was going to school too!
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
1st day of school
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2:51 PM
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Our weekend trip to San Antonio
Last weekend we went to San Antonio for a little getaway. We were not able to take a vacation this summer due to Jared switching job's last month! So we decided to go see our close friend's, the Damiano's in San Antonio. Jared met my good friend Angela in California when he was in language school in the military! She was in the Navy and they took a class together and realized that we were getting married the same day as her and her hubby. Since then we have become very close friends, we all got stationed together in San Angelo, then were neighbors in San Antonio for 4 years. We have gotten to share so many big things together, it's kinda scary when we think about how similar our lives have been. So I already mentioned we both got married on August 29, 1998. We were pregnant with our first babies at the same time and our due dates were actually only 4 days apart, (but of course as you all know, the girls decide to make there appearance 3 months early) so her son Josiah and the girls are the same age! Then we bought our first house's the same month, had our 2nd babies, (well really my 3rd) within 6 months of each other, and then I had Jack 3 weeks after she had her baby Jonah! So it has been fun to share these things with them. After we all got out of the military they stayed there and her husband works for the San Antonio Fire Department as a Fireman and also a Paramedic. He is obviously a special guy since as you all know, it takes a special person to have that occupation! Angela is a stay at home mommy like me, and we talk alot on the phone and try to see each other once or twice a year. We mainly just hung out with them at there house and didn't do a whole lot due to the HEAT and the excessive amount of children we have combined! : ) We did manage to go to our favorite mexican food place while we were there, La Fogatta! It was yummy! So we had a good time! Can't wait to go back!
Posted by
9:17 AM
Monday, August 13, 2007
I will do it....will you?
I've been tagged! (or something like that)
1. I have to post these rules before I give you the facts.
2. Each player starts with 8 random facts/habits about themselves.
3. People who are tagged need to write their own blog (about their 8 things) and post these rules.
4. At the end of your blog, you need to choose people to get tagged and list their names.
5. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.
Here's mine:
1. I am the biggest time freak! I start thinking about where I have to be at that day, first thing in the morning and start planning my day around it so that I am not late. In the rare occasion that I am late, I get very agitated, my stomach hurts, I feel very antsy and I just hate it! I am normally early because I don't want to even risk being late! Yeah, I am a little obsessive about it, I know!
2. I get this really weird thing in my neck, I have explained it to everyone I know and no one knows what I am talking about and they just look at me like I am an alien. The best way to describe the feeling is it feels like there is a bubble going through a vein in my neck and it is big and doesn't fit, and it needs to pop, I swallow a bunch, rub my neck until it pops! It kinda hurts and it is very annoying! (If anyone knows what this is, please let me know)
3. I have always hated my hair. I am starting to accept it more now that I have learned so many different things I can do with it! Like straightening it! But I really don't like it, it's too curly! I know...the grass is always greener!
4. I tend to be indecisive. Just ask my sister! I am forever calling her and asking her random things. The other day I called her from Ross and I was like um... I found these two shirts that are exactly the same but one is brown and one is pink, which one should I get? I am sure some days it drives her crazy but I think she has gotten used to it and accepted it about me. My husband just ignores me when I do this, so he is no help! (She told me to get the brown one, I did!)
5. I love food! I am also a bottomless pit!
6. I love to run! I want to start running again! When I am consistently running, I feel so good, it's just hard to find the time with 4 kids!
7. I LOVE to find a good deal. I almost never pay full price for something! Especially at Target, they will almost always put in sale at some point or I can hope to get it on clearance, even better!
8. I think too much. I am always thinking about the future! I have a hard time falling asleep at night because my mind won't shut down!
Ok, Amy,Lacey, Cara you have been tagged!
Posted by
9:58 AM
Thursday, August 2, 2007
The boys
Here are some cute pictures of the boys! Jack and Joey had their well check up's today and they are growin'!! Joey is tall and lean and our Dr. said he looked great. He wasn't so happy about his shot and finger prick! Jack had his 6 month checkup and is 50th percentile in weight and 93rd percentile in height! He is so tall!!! His almost as big as his big brother Joey! He is doing so good and is scooting, eating baby food, grabbing everything in sight and is so sweet and easygoing! The boys are already starting to play together some, and I know they are going to be the best of friends and so glad to have a brother!!
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12:30 PM