Sunday, August 30, 2009

11 year Anniversary!

Saturday was 11 years! Wow, I can't believe it's already been that long, it makes me feel so old! Jared's parents babysat for us and we got a date night, didn't do anyting special, just went to dinner and hung out together. We had a great time though, we both still think of each other as our best friend,so we have fun doing anything together. I got dressed up in a cute new dress and of course didn't take a single picture of us!!! : ( What fun is a blog without pictures??? So....I am committing today, to take MORE pictures!! Even if I have to drive a mile away to a girlfriends house and let her take some!! I would feel silly but at least I will have the picture to capture the memory. I am still in love after 11 years and still want to grow old with the one I picked 11 years ago! : )


Ann said...

So sweet, I'm getting all teary!!!

Anonymous said...

[b]Toda la informacion que buscas sobre ganar dinero[/b]
Nosotros hemos hallado la mejor pagina web en internet de como ganar dinero desde casa. Como fue de interes para nosotros, tambien les puede ser de interes para ustedes. No son solo formas de ganar dinero con su pagina web, hay todo tipo de metodos para ganar dinero en internet...
[b][url=][img][/img][/url]Te recomendamos entrar a [url=]Ganar dinero desde casa[/url][url=][img][/img][/url][/b]