Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Birthday Idea's for Jared

I need some idea's! So all of my 3 reader's or so can give me some idea's! MmmK!!! Jared's birthday is next week,the day before Easter and I decided to make it special, I am going to have an entire week of special things for him. Starting on Sunday, and I will do something special every day until Saturday, his birthday. So far the only idea's I have are to make him a nice dinner one night, give him a massage one day, write down 30 things I love about him and give that to him, (he is turning 30) I think that's all I got. So I need help. Then on Friday night we are going to go out and do something fun, I am also trying to think of a special restaurant or something cool we could do that night. Of course, I need ideas that will work with my budget as well! ; ) So thanks in advance if you can think of anything!


e.c. said...

Clean out his car and take it through a car wash?

Jennifer said...

Yes, that is a great idea! I have been leaving junk in there too, which totally annoys him, so he would love that! Thanks Elizabeth!

Anonymous said...

Throw away the rest of your lengerie since that was a hit!!!
Of course, it's Sach